
Crosswords and puzzles

After releasing a new Pagemasters Publish website, Numurkah Leader added a puzzles page to their popular print edition.


Established in 1895, the Numurkah Leader has been the cornerstone of Moira Shire in Victoria, highlighting the local arts, fishing, sport and indigenous news and events of the region for more than 100 years.

Running a bustling news centre for their print and digital services, the Numurkah Leader is also home to a photographic mini lab.

Our service

After the success of their news website, built and hosted by Pagemasters Publish, the Numurkah Leader reached out to us once again, with an aim to provide fresh content to their print readers. Their ideas centred around the concept of puzzles and they decided to take advantage of a free trial period.

Pagemasters consulted closely with the Leader to understand their key goals and map out the design and content elements for the page.

  • Provide a variety of engaging puzzles
  • Gauge reader feedback
  • Sell advertising

Once the concept pages were approved, along with a call-to-action strap for reader feedback, live production kicked off in August 2021. 

The result

At the conclusion of the trial period, feedback had been positive with many readers enjoying the new page: 

  • Good mix of puzzles
  • Something for everybody
  • Want it to continue

Having established that readers saw the puzzles page as a good addition to the paper, the free trial allowed the Leader time to sell advertising which negated future costs for an ongoing service. 

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